Chafe / Chaff
Chafe v. 擦伤,擦破
【例】The bracelet was so tight that it started to chafe my wrist.
Chaff n. 干草饲料
【例】We must therefore separate the wheat from the chaff.
Capitulate / Recapitulate
Capitulate v. 投降,让步
【例】Other teams quickly followed, and the union capitulated.
Recapitulate v. 概括
【例】To recapitulate that strategy, it involves four elements.
Enormity / Enormous
Enormity n. 严重性,深远影响
【例】I don't think you realize the enormity of the problem.
Enormous adj. 巨大的,庞大的
【例】You've been an enormous help.
Unconscionable / Unconscious
Unconscionable adj. 道德上不可接受的,过多的
【例】To make people feel shame or guilt for being ill is unconscionable.
Unconscious adj. 不省人事的,无意识的
【例】She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked unconscious.
Wangle / Wrangle
Wangle v. 哄骗
【例】I'll be so jealous if you manage to wangle an invitation to his house.
Wrangle n. 争论,争辩
【例】The joint venture ended in a legal wrangle between the two companies.
Comprehensible / Coprehensive
Comprehensible adj. 可理解的,易于理解的
【例】This article is written in clear, comprehensible English.
Comprehensive adj. 全面的,综合的
【例】Is this list comprehensive or are there some names missing?
Garrulous / Gregarious
Garrulous adj.喋喋不休的,絮叨的
【例】He makes friends easily and seems quite garrulous at times.
Gregarious adj. 爱交际的,不喜独处的
【例】Children from service families tend to be more gregarious and outgoing.
Complacent / Complaisant
Complacent adj. 自满的,自鸣得意的
【例】We can't afford to become complacent about any of our products.
Complaisant adj. 殷勤的,顺从的
【例】His comment went unchallenged by the complaisant Morgan.
Impenitent / Impertinent
Impenitent adj. 不知悔悟的,不觉羞耻的
【例】To this day she remains impenitent about her criminal past.
Impertinent adj. 不礼貌的,不敬的
【例】I hope he didn't think I was being impertinent when I asked him about his private life.
Ponderous / Portentous
Ponderous adj. 笨拙的,生硬的
【例】He had a slow and ponderous manner.
Portentous adj. 自大的,自命不凡的
【例】The problem with the book is that it sometimes descends into portentous philosophizing.
Seamy / Seemly
Seamy adj. 丑陋的,肮脏的
【例】The film vividly portrays the seamy side of life in London in the early 1970s.
Seemly adj. 合适的,得体的
【例】That means that it must be done in an appropriate and seemly way.
Gallivant / Galvanize
Gallivant v. 游玩,闲游
【例】Well you won't be able to go off gallivanting around like this when there's a baby to be taken care of.
Galvanize v. 使振奋,激起
【例】Importantly, it also framed hardship in very specific terms, which tells us a great deal about the issues that galvanized unrest.
Invaluable / Valuable
Invaluable adj. 宝贵的,极有用的
【例】The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.
Valuable adj. 值钱的,贵重的
【例】This is losing valuable business for the company.
Abjure / Adjure
Abjure v. 公开放弃,声明放弃
【例】I have not managed to trace the slightest record of them abjuring such a tactic.
Adjure v. 要求,命令
【例】The judge adjured him to answer truthfully.
Vilify / Vilely
Vilify v. 诋毁,贬低
【例】He was vilified by the press as a monster.
Vilely adv. 卑鄙地,可耻地
【例】The staff have been vilely treated over the past 20 years.