ADJ. + NOUN + THAT定语从句(ADJ. = 形容词 / NOUN = 名词 / THAT定语从句 = that引导的定语从句)
① ADJ. = that 定语从句,即形容词和定语从句等价② 当ADJ.不存在的时候或者没有选项对应这个形容词的时候,我们采用第二个选择,NOUN = that 定语从句,即名词和定语从句等价
ETS其实并不是随便编撰的这种逻辑,大家知道定语从句本质上就是一个形容词,我们把这个定语从句简化成另外一个形容词(XXX)的话,这种结构其实是ADJ.+and XXX+NOUN
举个例子:a beautiful girl that attracts people = a beautiful and XXX girl. 我们很容易的认识到这个 beautiful = that attracts people,ETS往往也就是把 beautiful 给我们拿掉变成空格,我们只需要把后面的定语从句 that attracts people 读懂就好了,其他的部分其实都是ETS的障眼法。
类型11. Every illness is a story, and when Annie’s began it was characterized by the kinds of ______ details that mean nothing until seen in hindsight.
A. salient
B. unexceptional
C. conspicuous
D. suggestive
E. abundant
F. nondescript
这里面大家会注意到details后面存在有一个定语从句:that mean nothing until seen inhindsight. 就是我们上面方法当中提到的THAT定语从句。我们把这个定语从句简化成 “XXX” 几个字符。我们再来看一下这句话的后半部分的结构:
The kinds of ____ details that mean nothing until seen in hindsight = the kinds of ____ and XXX details
其实,这道题目就是问大家 that mean nothing until seen in hindsight 的同近义词是什么。
所以 “that mean nothing until seen inhindsight” “什么也不意味着直到现在这种无意义才发生改变的” 同近义词就是 B unexceptional 普通的和 F nondescript 普通的。注意题干里面用的是过去时态 was。
类型22. There is ______ in the director’s most recent film that keeps the melodramatic possibilities latent in its script safely at bay.
A. a mawkishness
B. a predictability
C. an austerity
D. an ostentatiousness
E. an emotiveness
这道题目当中我们发现空格名词前面没有形容词的存在。所以这里就更好办了,直接把 that keeps the melodramatic possibilities latent inits script at bay 等价于空格就好了,直接选择这个定语从句 “牢牢地将这些潜伏在剧本当中的情节剧的可能性控制住” 的同近义词。定语从句中有不少的无用词意,比如 melodramatic(情节剧),明显是一个超出我们备考范围的无用的概念。我们只需要搞定它意义的核心:控制住可能性,就可以了。只有一个选项有稍微有“控制”的意义,就是 Causterity 有节制。
2. There is ______ in the director’s most recent film that keeps the melodramatic possibilities latent in its script safely at bay.
A. a mawkishness
B. a predictability
C. an austerity
D. an ostentatiousness
E. an emotiveness
3. Trying to fix problems that affect vast numbers ofpeople has an intuitive appeal that politicians and policy makers find (i)______, but several ware houses of research studies show that intuitionis often a poor guide to fixing (ii)______ problems.
Trying to fix problems has an intuitive appeal that politicians and policy makers find (i)____
an ADJ.+ NOUN+ THAT定语从句
只不过这里ETS动的一点歪脑筋是把这个空格设置在了定语从句里面而不是前面的ADJ.或者NOUN身上。套路嘛还是老套路,也就是THAT定语从句 = ADJ.,即:
政客和政策决策者发现这种吸引力感受上去是 (i)____ = 本能的
其实就是在问我们本能的同近义词是谁。选择Birresistible无法抵抗的,是没有任何疑义的:“本能的”也就是自然而然的反应,无法抵抗的,比如膝跳反射,人本能的一部分,是无法反抗的。有的同学会选择Alogical 逻辑的,请注意,“逻辑”是大脑理性思维思考的结构,它和“本能”是一对正好完全相反的对立概念。
4. In science education, itis important to differentiate between inaccurate ideas that are conceptually (i)______ and understandings that are inaccurate, and yet can (ii)______learning of more sophisticated understandings. The former are simply wrong, the latter can be seen as incomplete, overly simplistic, or tied to only a few limited contexts.
inaccurate ideas that are conceptually (i)______,其实就是在问大家 THAT 定语从句=ADJ.的套路,换句话说↓↓↓
that are conceptually (i)____ = inaccurate,即:
inaccurate 的同近义词是谁,即 Aunproductive 无效的,题目选项当中唯一的一个负向词。
5. Because archaeology explores the most profound changes in human history by means of agrossly incomplete record, it has invited the sort of bold, imaginative interpretation in which speculation too easily becomes ______ evidence.
A. replaced by
B. constrained by
C. untethered from
D. divorced from
E. substituted for
F. constricted by
套路大家应该已经非常熟悉了。定语从句这回不是 that 了,换汤不换药,还是那个味道:
THAT定语从句 = ADJ. 这道题里被换成了→WHICH 定语从句 = ADJ.
In which speculation too easily becomes ____ evidence = bold, imaginative